
The manager goes wild

Rafaella has finished her last day with the company and has gone for a goodbye meal with colleagues, and some managers… There the wine flows and she gets to know one of the managers, Nik, a lot better with an impromptu fuck that begins in the shared taxi ride home…

Rafaella was sad to be leaving her job, as much as she was looking forward to a week off before starting her new one, the thought of being the new girl and having to readjust to new office dynamics and politics tied a small knot in her stomach.

For now, there was nothing she could do, but enjoy the small leaving dinner that her colleagues had put on for her and make the most of the evening.

The company she was leaving was very traditional. The management team had come out to the meal, although she doubted any of them actually knew who she was. Their presence was more to keep up appearances, to look good that they are sociable with the lower-ranked staff, and to not pass up the chance to indulge on the company credit card.

No stranger to being out on a Friday night, Rafaella was usually more dressed up for the occasion, but instead had come straight from the office wearing her black knee-high skirt and white blouse.

The dinner dragged on a little bit, and as the wine flowed she found herself talking to Nik, one of the management team – someone who she had very rarely spoken to in the office due to her workload never crossing over with anyone in his team.

He was much older than Rafaella, in his late 40s, sporting some grey hair but clinging onto its original color. He was relatively well built for a man of his age and clearly looked after himself.

They continued talking throughout, as Nik asked more about what Rafaella’s next move was, and she in turn found out more about how his career progressed for him to reach the role he’s in now.

As the evening drew to a close, they all went to stand outside and depart. Rafaella found herself with Nik, both looking on their phones for an Uber, and then both realizing that Rafaella’s apartment could be an additional route stop on the way to Nik’s. In the interest of splitting the fare, they chose to rideshare.

After another 10 minutes of casually chatting outside the restaurant the taxi arrived.

The conversation continued in the taxi, and it’s in this now enclosed space with just the two of them, Rafaella started to notice things. She noticed Nik’s cologne, how he smelt, how it was a manly musk. She noticed his body and frame a lot more, and started to see his attractiveness.

Rafaella also thought, on occasion, she saw him glancing at her legs, and her chest, but she wasn’t sure how much of this was in her own imagination… So she decided to test it.

Little by little she rotated in her seat to face Nik, doing so in a way it looked more like she was getting more comfortable in the conversation and to face him. As Rafaella did so, she brought her leg up onto the seat and rest her foot under her straight leg,so her skirt rode up her thigh.

Slowly she moved, and eventually realized it wasn’t just in her head. Nik was looking at her legs, and at her, and trying to do so subtly.

Rafaella felt a rush of blood go to her head, and between her legs… The attention had gotten her slightly flustered. It had been a while since she had been looked at in that way, and it was making her want more.

Catching his subtle glances a couple more times, and realizing they were 10 minutes from her apartment Rafaella wanted to do one last thing, one last thing to be naughty and then to go into her apartment, take her toy out her drawer and fuck herself into the weekend.

She moved around in the seat one more time, and this time her skirt rode up high, leaving her folded leg almost bare, and her skirt now high enough to reveal the front of her black lace thong.

As they passed under the streetlamps, Nik’s eyes took the bait and he clocked what was now on show. Rafaella continued talking innocently, but not making sure she was looking away herself more to give him more opportunities to stare, every stare she registered and made her pussy pulsate.

After a few minutes, Nik’s forehead had a shimmer as he had begun to sweat, and Rafaella noticed him moving around in his seat more. He was clearly getting turned on by what he could see, and had no idea how to react or behave.

Realizing they were close to her apartment, and feeling more adventurous and turned on by the situation. Rafaella escalated the situation.

Don’t be shy, I know you’ve been looking…

Nik looked at her, his stunned stare like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck.His mouth was starting to move, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t form the words…

Rafaella reached out her hand and took his, giving it a small squeeze, before guiding it between her legs. Resting Nik’s fingers against the black lace.

As Rafaella moved her hand away, Nik kept his in place, feeling the warmth of her pussy through the material.

Their eyes locked as they both held their positions. Rafaella edged forward, and then again, and with the third movement went in to kiss Nik. He reciprocated, their lips and tongues now entwined together.

Nik not forgetting where his hand was, he slowly starts moving it in a circular motion, rubbing and pressing against Rafaella’s pussy.

The kissing hadn’t escaped the attention of the taxi driver, who promply announced that they were two minutes from the first drop-off. This broke their kiss, and with a nod, Rafaella signalled to Nik that he would be getting out of the taxi too.

Arriving at the stop, Nik resolved the Uber, and followed Rafaella up to her apartment.

As the door shut behind them, Rafaella reached up to put her hands behind Nik’s head and they continued their embrace.

They both moved into the living room area of Rafaella’s small apartment, where she sat down on the sofa. Nik, kneeling on the floor infront of her, ran his hands up the outside of her thighs to her ass, hooking her thong with his fingers and pulling them down and off.

Rafaella responded by opening her legs wide, not breaking eye contact with him, but letting Nik get a good view of her bare, wet pussy.

He didn’t need a second invitation, and moved his head between her legs, introducing himself to her with a long, broad tongue stroke from the base of her slit to lingering on her clit.

Expertly Nik rolled his tongue around Rafaella’s clit and labia, her pussy beginning to respond and flow with juices, her hands holding the back of Nik’s head as she began to writhe and moan with the pleasure he was giving her.

After a few minutes of Nik’s tongue lashing against her greedy, wet little pussy, Rafaella came. A small orgasm ran through her body and repaid Nik’s tongue with her sweet nectar.

Pulling his head away, Nik took in the sight of Rafaella, legs still apart, breathing heavily, her blushing cheeks and lustful stare.

Nik stood up, and began to unbuckle his belt. Rafaella took this as a sign that she was about to repay the act, to show Nik just how expertly her tongue can move, but this wasn’t to be the case. As she sat forward on the sofa, Nik pushed her back as he dropped his pants and boxers, to reveal a hard, thick, angry looking cock.

Pulling her down on the sofa by her legs, Nik position his angry cock infront of Rafaella’s freshly wettened pussy, and as he moved it near Rafaella began to bite her lip. The tip rested against her labia, and slowly began to stretch and force its way inside, making Rafaella moan instantly as she accommodated Nik’s thick member.

Only six or seven inches in length, the girth was enough to make Rafaella struggle as Nik eased in and out until she was taking pretty much all of his shaft. Once in, he began his assault.

Pumping in and out of her with great pace, he was fucking her hard. Almost like he was fucking her angrily, her thick thighs and ass were helping cushion his abdomen and hips as his cock went deep inside her.

His cock beginning to cream with her juices, she could all but lay there and take each stroke, each deep fuck, and enjoy it.

Nik’s breathing began to get heavier, and it was clear that he was going to cum.

He pulled out and stood over Rafaella, who quickly unbuttoned the front of her blouse to reveal her tits, but before she could maneuver them out of her bra Nik unleashed his load across them, covering Rafaella’s chest in streams of thick white cum.

Even though it hadn’t been planned, and it was her last day at the company, Rafaella was sure she was going to be getting some more “career advice” from Nik again, soon.


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